Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Online

(06/2010 - 12/2011)
Worked on the redesign of the Walt Disney World booking engine as well as their next generation experience. The design process involved close collaboration with business partners to advocate for the user every step of the way. The RITE (Rapid Iterative Testing and Evaluation) method was used to test designs with users in 3 week design cycles. Usability tests were conducted with participants in target markets either in their city of residence or at the park, depending on the subject of the test.  If terminology or UI elements had proven to be a disconnect with users, they were altered in order to learn as much as possible from tests. Prototypes were created in Axure to allow for quick iterations, stable prototypes and minimal test computer requirements.

Many improvements were based on nuances that were observed during testing. For example, park guests mentioned family dynamics and personal pressure to plan the perfect vacation. This lead them to weeks of research and pricing exercises in order for them to feel comfortable in their decision. Meaning a vacation eCommerce experience is completely different from that of a shoe purchase. And so the purpose of the shopping cart was not always seen as the purchase stage, but many times as a research tool itself.